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  बीजं मां सर्वभूतानां विद्धि पार्थ सनातनम् |
  बुद्धिर्बुद्धिमतामस्मि तेजस्तेजस्विनामहम् ||

According to chapter 7 verse 10 of Bhagavad gita;
 Lord Krishna says- In a cause and effect relationship, every cause is the seed of its effect. For example, an ocean can be considered the seed of the clouds, and the clouds are the seed for rain. Similarly Bill Gates, who changed the course of information technology with his Windows Operating System. With more than ninety percent of market share, Windows has become the most popular Operating System of the world. It is all possible because of some arrangements that bring everything in its right place and to increase our value.  So our motto is to reduce expenses and increase our productivity and value by the implication of few norms and putting everything at its proper place where it should be in max. energy state.

  • Similarly, while talking about textile industries that are in huge public demand as its product is basic need of every human beings. Millions of money wasted each and every day in an organization, through lack of awareness of its need to constantly improve productivity. Many industries are at the verge of their collapse and many are in huge losses. The most important factor which are the major cause of all these problems are no more than a lack of understanding of basic principle of sciences that means step by step. The science that put a figure in this context is Science of industries that is INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING. 

     The science that enables the best way to do the work in a required time and desired quality by improving operating method and controlling cost and using a proper supply network is called Industrial Engineering.
  In textile sector, there is a huge demand of industrial engineering as it has to deal with a large number of department within an organization starting from procurement of Raw material from the farm and then Ginning department followed by  Spinning and Post Spinning process and then Weaving Preparatory process followed by Weaving department then Processing that include Singeing,  Desizing, Bleaching, Mercerization, Dyeing, Printing, Finishing and further Garment manufacturing followed by distribution and Retailing. All this department needs to be properly inspected as these are the core part of any organization. The success of any organisation largely depend on  supply chain and layout of these departments.

  •   Most of studies shows that in spinning and weaving department, job satisfaction of employees plays a major role, it was observed that pay structures and benefits were the factor that created dissatisfaction among the employee in the company. Next one is power failure, the generator in the plant has capacity only to run cone winding and spinning sections. All the other operation will come to standstill resulting in loss of total production. Third one is presence of bottleneck, that results in huge piles of inventory in front of that machine, bottleneck is often very common in spinning department where materials have to move over different machines. Departmental controversies sometimes leads to backlogs of demand and all these factors needs a very keen vision in increasing productivity of any organizations.
  Better explaination for  implicating industrial engineering can be understood by given example:

   A spinning oriented company that occupy market in yarn manufacturing and suddenly it started its business in weaving domain without implication of proper supply chain to market its product. Now production of yarn is at original steady rate and demands of that yarn in market is also increasing day by day, Further there is an extra need for the feeding material of that yarn in weaving department and the company have two choices as of now either they can start making making fabric by ordering that  yarn from other spinning company or they can reduce its supply of yarn to the market, the price analysis shows that it will cost more if the company orders yarn from other vendors. So the organisation started its manufacturing by using its own yarn and reducing the supply to the market. As a result within two months, the company reduces its sale for about 75 percent and lost its market value, the main reason of this, is its reduction of supply in the market. Nowadays in this fast moving world the customers are very impatient there is a huge uncertainty in each and every product. all the customers who are not getting the desired supply they moves to other supplier that provides the same material with something different variety, the company lost its responsiveness and demand fulfillment capacity and their customer moves to some other supplier because all they need is to fulfill their demand in due course of time and finally the company losses its value and brand.
This is just an example showing that the company losses its value and brand by just making one wrong decision or by not making proper strategy to its supply chain.

  •  The  supply chain decisions are very crucial as for maintaining their customers and retaining the brand value of any company. textile industries lacks in this field someway resulting in backlogs of order. The focus of any organization is on its processes and supply chain and making the right decision while implementing any of amendment or other business propaganda. The transportation of raw material and moving of one product to different department should always emphasize on the low transportation cost and suitable layout of departments helps in that respect alot. While considering all other factors like labors equity and interdepartmental piece, suitable plans should be adopted for the human resource welfare as in any textile industry, labor are the most important factor that are taken into consideration and there are several real life example like Lal Imli and Elgin mill in Kanpur, that proves that only because of labor disagreement the companies are closed from many years.
  Industrial engineering provides a best path in managing the resources and working of machines along with the labor unions and hence successfully making the company more profitable and enhance its market value by providing the value good to their customers and in a good response time. 

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